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As an 18-year-old Sea Scout working toward obtaining the rank of Quartermaster, I am having challenges seeing the different electives for ranking up in Scoutbook. I want to know the most up-to-date options and possibly work toward them plus put in the ones I have completed. Is there a way for me to view the electives? Thank you for your help and wisdom on this matter!
By the way, I enjoy the change in Advancement and Awards for Sea Scouts and Venturing. Keep up the great updates!
@DonovanMcNeil After clicking on the red “Add Elective” button, I am brought to a page that only shows the “America’s Boating Club (formerly United States Power Squadron)” electives, nothing more. The page does not have a way to view the other electives, and I can only select between the three different-tiered electives under that category to put in a date. Am I doing something wrong?
@DonovanMcNeil It is not showing a dropdown menu for me. I have tried clicking everywhere and nothing occurs. Is this a bug or only viewable by admins?
I have tried using the app, but for some reason, my advancements will not show. I have tried refreshing the page multiple times, but it hasn’t updated.