Event Type "Patrol Leader Conference"

I am trying to create a Patrol Leaders Council Event type and get ‘Error Invalid eventType’. It is for only for one Unit.

console log:

400 Bad Request PUT

I have been using Event Type: Other for now.


Make sure you have selected your Troop position in the upper right of the window. I have reported the error to the developers.

@DustinSouers - I was able to create a PLC event for our troop.


Is this for the B troop or G troop? I see you are Key 3 Delegate and Committee Member in the B troop but only a Committee Member in the G troop.

I was in the B dropdown when I tried to create PLC event for the Boys unit.


Thanks. I have passed that on to the developers. That is important information for them.


The developers have not been able to duplicate your issue. They request you try again. If you are still having trouble, please create a video capture if possible so they can see what you are doing. I can send you a direct message for you to provide the file.

Not sure if something has changed, but it is now working. Thank you for investigating!

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