Is it appropriate to log family camping nights in IA for a Scouts BSA Scout (not a Cub)? If not, is there a place where that is explicitly documented? Would that be the same for hiking?
The Scout’s Log is their log - that does not mean the leader has to count all activities equally; as family camping may not meet certain requirements for rank or honors
So would you recommend if leaders are using that log to track camping nights for merit badges and awards to simply not approve those nights?
That is the simple solution. You have to think of it like the physical handbook and the Logs at the back. Scouts could always enter what they wanted, then leaders would just reconcile when needed.
Thank you! That helps.
Many requirements (especially hiking and service hours) do not necessarily have to be done with the troop / patrol.
Yes, that’s why I was more specifically asking about camping. Historically we’ve used these logs to document camp nights for things like OA, and the camping merit badge which do have to be done as BSA activities. I just happen to have a scout log a family camp out in there so I wanted to understand the best way to handle that.
Right, I was just answering this part of your question.
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