Feature Assistant for New IA Calendar


Will the feature assistant be modified to function with the new IA calendar? I use this frequently to copy events so I don’t have to make them from scratch each time.


@Ben.Rodden - no it will not but repeating events is built into the new calendar.

And you may want to keep a watch on this thread:

Thank you for the quick reply! I also see that that there is a duplicate function built in as well, which is great. It has a bug now, but it appears they are working on it.


@Ben.Rodden - sure thing… some issues to work through but I actually like the new calendar… but I like mucking around in new tech…

All of the Feature Assistant functions related to the calendar will be retired/no longer accessible when the SB calendar is retired, but most are or will be will be supported natively by the IA calendar (yeah! I’m getting closer to when I can retire the extension!)

The recurring events made in the extension will also be converted by BSA to continue to be editable as recurring events in IA.


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