New Scoutbook Calendar Available in Internet Advancement! (Sep 28)

We are happy to announce: Internet Advancement Calendar!

The calendar in Internet Advancement has all the features you are familiar with in Scoutbook as well as some added features, such as support for recurring meetings. We have also programmed it so that it will be easier to add features and integrate the calendar with activity logs.

The Internet Advancement Calendar shares the same back end database with Scoutbook Calendar, so events scheduled using one will be visible and editable in the other.

There are improvements in the IA calendar as well! They include a new integration of activities & events and support for recurring events.

Scoutbook calendar will be retired by November 9th to give users a chance to familiarize themselves with Internet Advancement Calendar and its new features.

For more information see:

To see the IA Calendar, Unit Leaders (see help article above) should go to Internet Advancement by selecting it from Scoutbook or login to then select your unit from the pull down at the top right. It will be a then menu item on the left:

If you don’t see it, then do a hard refresh of your screen (hold the ctrl button down and refresh your browser page.)

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