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I’m a Scoutmaster and Admin and when creating/modifying an event, I can make the event a Repeating Event. I also have the option at the bottom to Copy New, to create a new event using the details of an existing event.
Another Admin who is an Assistant Scoutmaster cannot do this. There is no reason to restrict these features on anyone who has access to create events.
I don’t know if this is a design bug or a programming bug.
I would also suggest having any of the Unit Admins who are having trouble go to
My Dashboard → My Unit → Unit Roster → their name
and re-Approve/Accept their Unit Admin role, even though it may already appear to be approved/accepted. I have to do this from time to time. For reasons that are not clear to me, this seems to “fix” something on the back end that is not visible in the UI. The “fix” is path dependent, so you cant just update it from My Dashboard → My Positions.