New Features
- An automated process was put in place today which added the functional positions or roles in Organization Security Manager that were in place with the old unit charter to be replicated in the new unit charter after Unit Rechartering. Organization Security Manager will now renew functional roles for all members of the unit who have re-registered on a new unit charter. In the past, these roles were ended.
A data cleanup for positions that were ended so they are now renewed because the member re-registered in the unit was also implemented. - To help ensure units have full access to BSA online systems while charters continue to be processed, we have extended the grace period for units to continue accessing online systems for an additional 60 days. This includes Scoutbook, Internet Advancement, my.Scouting tools, and Den Leader Experience. This extension will be available for all recharter dates. This additional 60 days does not extend your charter expire date. Instead, provides you and your Scouts continued access to tools and resources.