How do I keep track of deferred swimming requirements for First Class and Second Class?

On 8/26/2020, BSA national posted the following COVID-related modification to First Class and Second Class rank requirements as related to swimming test requirements for those ranks:

Swimming remains a major health and safety concern and cannot be abandoned by Scouts BSA. With that in mind, the Swimming rank requirements for Second Class (5b) and First Class (6a) may be deferred until each Scout’s next rank, as necessary (through Life, but not Eagle).

Is there any way to keep track of these deferrals in Scoutbook or is this something that leaders tracking advancement are going to have to do via some other method and just go ahead and mark complete in Scoutbook for everything else to go through?

We recommend using the NOTE field on the next rank to indicate the swimming requirement was deferred. For example, if the Scout earned First Class without completing the BSA Swimmer test, in the Star rank note field enter “BSA Swimmer test required” or something similar.


That makes sense. The deferral isn’t an integrated advancement feature, however, the deferral is still being tracked in Scoutbook so it’s all in once place. Thanks for the suggestion.

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