I have to say, this new ScoutBook Den Leader website is pretty slick. It really only took me 5 minutes to auto-schedule all our den meetings, though of course the meeting prepwork will take a bit longer.
The only issue right now is that our den still shows a Tiger Den from last year, so the meetings are not relevant to us right now. How do we advance our Den from a Tiger to a Wolf Den on the ScoutBook Den Leader website?
I don’t think I have privileges as a Den Leader to do this, but I’ve asked our committee chairman, and he doesn’t know how to do it either.
That has to be done on the Scoutbook.com interface - sign into Scoutbook as normal (NOT with the Den Leader Sign on) > go to the Den you want (as a Den Admin or Unit Admin) > Click Edit Den > then Click Advance Den ONCE!! > This moves the whole den to the next rank
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Thanks for the rapid feedback, Donovan! Will follow up with our Den Admin and circle back.
Note that this needs to be done for the whole pack. We recommend a pack admin starting with the Bear den and working their way down to avoid confusion. (Webelos don’t advance since they are in an 18 month program with two ranks).
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