How to print rank advancement labels for scouts


We have a court of honor I am planning for, and I have 14 scouts ranking up. I have the cards and emblems, but how do I print labels for them? They aren’t in my purchase order b.c we have them in stock.

Thank you!

Add them to a separate purchase order. It doesn’t matter if you actually purchase them or not, because purchase orders are for your own use.

I created a new purchase order with the 14 rank advancements and I didn’t have an option to print. I also have individual cards, not a sheet to print them on. Is there a way to print them on plain labels?



Is this for a Pack or Troop? Scoutbook only supports printing rank pocket certificates for Cub Scouts. For Scouts BSA, Scoutbook only supports printing Merit Badge pocket certificates.

This is for scouts. How do you suggest printing the scout rank advancements? Inputting them manually?


What do you mean by inputting them manually? I think most people just write them out.

@DianaBittner - I use the scouts recognition report and pack recognition report for the packets and other stuff… this is not rocket science

Obviously those reports provide the information, but not in a ready made label format. Unless it does and I am unaware of it. So, rocket scientist how do you print them on labels?

We are new to scoutbook and I assumed to print them out on labels would be a feature it would provide.

I believe some people have created some templates for doing something like that using the csv export. I can’t recall the exact location of them. You could try doing a search.

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@DianaBittner - ok… I think i understand now… perhaps. You want plain labels to put on the pocket cards is that what you are looking for ? or something else. I remember a decade ago that folks wanted to print out labels for advancement packets and that is what I thought you were writing about.

Try this

Yes! You can setup custom labels in Word.

Export the Purchase Order as a .csv file. Since you want to print labels for items that are not on the purchase order, edit/update the .csv file with the additional information for the items that were not on the purchase order.

Then use the MAIL MERGE feature in Word to create “Labels”. (Lots of YouTube videos but here’s a support article from Microsoft about the feature: Print labels for your mailing list)

Since you have preprinted individual cards, you could purchase ‘clear’ labels and then print onto the clear labels (after getting the layout/spacing correct) and then stick the clear labels on the cards.

Once you create your mail merge label template SAVE IT. You can use the same template over and over just by changing the source to be a new purchase order .csv file.

Once you learn how to do a Mail Merge you will use it for everything! A great skill to know how to use for Scouting and more. Hope that helps or at least gives you a starting place and keywords you can Google.

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This is very helpful! Thank you!

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