Printing advancement cards

I have about 150 advancement cards to fill out. It is possible to have the scout name, advancement, leader and cubmaster name printed out on the cards or on a label?

I have been hand writing the cards but there must be a better way.

Thank you so much!

At the bottom of the SB Purchase order page - there are many print options for cards

Iā€™m sorry but I am not sure where the SB Purchase order page is.

Scoutbook<Internet Advancement<??

I am looking to print the names and completed advancement on Cub Scout advancement cards.

If you are Admin or UAC > go to Scoutbook > Click on Unit > click Reports > Needs Purchasing Report (this is assuming all are approved) > Save things to a Purchase order > once on the purchase order page go to bottom and there are several different print options.

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Thank you so much! This was very helpful!

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