How to remove duplicate dens in Scoutbook that don't appear in Scoutbook Plus?

I was updating den assignments in Scoutbook Plus ( and I accidentally deleted the AOL dens, putting all those Scouts into “unassigned”. I re-created the dens in Scoutbook Plus and put the youth and adults back into the newly created dens. However, I have 3 problems:

  1. I see duplicate dens in The youth are in the right place, but all the calendar events from the old dens did not port over. [UPDATE: the duplicate, old AOL dens have disappeared from Scoutbook. Appears it was a sync timing issue.]
    2.When I try to edit the events in the old AOL Den 6 calendar and select a new sub-unit, I get this message, "User is not authorized to access this API

Well if you made new dens they have no calendar history - Calendar does not use den name, it uses a unitID that is unique to each den.

What position do you have in the unit?

I also think in SB the dens are Webelos - MIGHT be that the dens are empty it is confusing the API - could try moving Scouts back in SB with the Reassign button > then in SB+ Edit the Den to AOL > then the calendars should still be attached. - and I would alter Den Names for now to not confuse the situation

The person who made the original events was the den leader. But I have a unit key 3 position, so I was surprised that I could not edit. The problem is now I cannot find all the old events to re-create on the AOL calendar. I start from, I see some of the old den events, I click on “All Events”. That brings me to in the new Calendar view, and I don’t see the old AOL den with all the events. Hope that helps. If I can get a whole list of the old AOL events from Scoutbook Plus, I’m willing to manually copy/paste them over.

Admins, I think I have reached my own solution (sadly). The duplicate dens in Scoutbook have disappeared on their own, which is good. Unfortunately, all the events from the old AOL den calendar are deleted, my new AOL den calendar is blank, and I don’t have the old one to reference to add the events to the new AOL calendar. I think the solution is to start over.

You might try going to scoutbook and your pack roster. Click the den leader’s name. Remove the end date from their position in the original den. Then, when you get back to Scoutbook Plus, filter on adults and then just should be able to edit that den.

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