HTML and formatting not working on IA calendar

The IA calendar does not provide a list of BBcodes for formatting as were available on Scoutbook.
I tried to create an event through IA and the html codes that I have used consistently in Scoutbook do not work.

Not only can I not apply any formatting (bolding, italics, hyperlinks etc.) but IA doesn’t even retain my line breaks as entered when I created the event. If there are instructions for coding the formatting into calendar entries, they are not easily accessible.

If formatting will be lost in the new calendar I am going to have to switch to google calendar. Any information added into the event details becomes an unreadable megaparagraph.This renders the IA calendar completely unusable.


A story to fix this is in the backlog.

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They are working on a WYSIWYG editor in IA Calendar for the description (something we have wanted in SB calendar for a long time!) They have it already developed, now they are working on converting the BBCode from old SB events so they show in the WYSIWYG field in IA Calendar. They are close to having this ready and will push it out once completed and testing.


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