Import Hiking, Camping and Service Hour Logs from TroopTrack to IA/Scoutbook

I have read a few threads on how-to, reviewed some formats, and viewed discussions on whether we can or cannot import activity data from TroopTrack in bulk to IA. I tried to download example templates, upload CSV files converted to text in pipe-delimited format, but it does not seem to work. I keep getting the pipe-delimited error. Without having to recreate all the activities, and then add 70+ scouts and over a few years of data, what is the correct format and upload procedure to get this data into Scoutbook through IA?
Thanks in advance,

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@charlesalmy - this may answer that question:

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When we moved from TM to SB - I just entered in Masse for each Scout : EX - Timmy - 56 Camping Nights (just one event) - the only thing it messes with that is automated is the OA Eligibility report for 2 years.

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Tough news for those migrating. I hope this is reconsidered soon so we can track the events over time. Thank you for the replies.

@charlesalmy - the best way to understand the import constraint is to enter a test activity of each type.

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