Internet Advancement Calendars - color differentiation?

I just saw an announcement that Scoutbook calendar is going away. When I’m looking through Internet Advancement’s calendar page, one thing I notice is that all calendars are the same color (ie, i cannot easily differentiate between the wolf den calendar, the bear den calendar, the whole pack calendar, etc. )

Am I missing where this is, and if not, can this be implemented? That’s a huge help when each den has weekly events figuring out what I am looking at.


@JennyDunn - where was the announcement


This is in the backlog.

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@edavignon - should have read it to the end :slight_smile:

I stopped by the forums to ask a calendar question and happened to see this post. Would be nice to have heard about this retiring of the Scoutbook calendar before now! Was an email or general notification sent out? This is the first I’ve heard of it.


@Chris.Peterson - announced on the 28th

Yes but how? Would I have had to come to the forums? Seems like a big update that should be splashed everywhere.

Also, how do you get to internet advancement page from Scoutbook? I’m hunting for a link and not seeing it. I don’t get this weird mishmash of Scoutbook and Internet Advancement stuff. I’ve been using Scoutbook since before the BSA bought it.

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@Chris.Peterson - you would have to subscribe to the forum updates

Well I sure hope they do a better job announcing it to all users ASAP because it’s going to be a big surprise for all of those of us who don’t subscribe to the forums!

Also I’m no longer a key 3, just a committee member. So I guess I don’t have that link in my dashboard.


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The best way to track when issues get fixed or major changes are announced is to subscribe to the change log forums. You can subscribe to a given forum by navigating to the “bell” notification icon and setting your preference to “Watching”:


When you set it to “watching”, you will get a message sent to the email associated with the discourse forum account for each message posted to the forum. It’s pretty low-traffic, so it’s not a big imposition to watch them.

Scoutbook Change Log

Internet Advancement and Recharter Change Log

Scouting App Change Log

My Scouting Change Log

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@Chris.Peterson - what happens when you log into ?

@Stephen_Hornak I am in there now and can make changes etc. I just didn’t have a link directly there. I actually got there when I viewed a profile for a new Scout who just signed up and I needed to see his grade to determine what den he should be in. I have bookmarked it for future use.

@CharleyHamilton I know how to subscribe to forum updates. Thanks. I’m simply stating a fact that there are a LOT of Scoutbook users who never come to the forums and have no clue unless there’s a banner or an email sent to them. And even in those cases people may not pay attention to it. Major changes to a platform should be shared extensively to the user base.

Thanks everyone. Sorry to have hijacked this thread from its original topic.


@Stephen_Hornak Actually I guess I was wrong, I can’t make changes to the calendar events. I am a Pack admin also. I’ll take this over to the bug forums.

I happened to see it here on the forums the day after it was announced and told my DE about it. She had not heard anything and talked to other DE’s at council, trying to verify it. I got a call from a DE from another district, wanting to know where I had seen this. I had to forward the announcement to them.

I don’t think relying on the forum is good practice for disseminating these types of announcements.


When the switch over date is firm, there will be a general announcement in a number of places

@WilliamNelson Please let the powers that be know to make sure there is adequate lead time on the public announcement. I will be announcing the upcoming change at my roundtable this week, but those who aren’t coming to RT won’t know and those are the people (vast majority of the SB users) who will be affected.

I also second the need for color option in the IA calendars. With my 4 units and multiple dens I have to track one color is mind numbingly terrible.

Where do I post issues with IA calendar reminders? I tried it out on a cross unit event and the reminders were not sent even though selected and the same for a single unit event created through IA.

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I just have a banner on the top of scoutbook.

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Agreed - there are a lot of different dens in my Pack, so not having color is a big downgrade.

Anyone know if there is a user guide or tools to teach all my den leaders on this? I have to do training pretty quick to get my leaders trained