The newly updated “council merit badge counselor listing” is once again broken. | menu | (council) | roster > reports | council merit badge counselor listing | run > export to CSV
Anyone who has more than some limit of characters in their list of MBs gets split into multiple columns. They end up missing the first character in each of the additional columns. For example, I have a person who has the following in each of the columns:
FIRST COLUMN: Programming, Coin collecting, Camping, Backpacking, Automotive Maintenance, Collections, Cooking, Digital Technology, Disabilities Awareness, Dog Care, Drafting, Electronics, Emergency Preparedness, Engineering, Exploration, Fingerprinting, Fire Safety,
SECOND COLUMN: ishing, Gardening, Hiking, Home Repairs, Inventing, Metalwork, Model Design and Building, Pets, Photography, Pioneering, Plumbing, Robotics, Safety, Scouting Heritage, Signs, Signals, and Codes, Space Exploration, Surveying, Truck Transportation,
THIRD COLUMN: eather, Wilderness Survival, Wood Carving, Woodwork, Architecture
I’m not familiar with the “ishing” merit badge nor the “eather” merit badge. Presumably they might be (F)ishing and perhaps (W)eather?
Honestly I don’t understand why this is so complicated. It seems like every change to this report has brought with it new problems / bugs. Then we have to wait weeks for a fix which, itself, includes new and different bugs. I’m not trying to be mean, I’m just expressing the frustration of those trying to use this data.
- Export all the badges in one field
- SORT the badges alphabetically
- Use a different separator other than comma (I suggest the vertical bar, |, but semicolon would be fine too) since we have badges with commas in the names (e.g. Signs, Signals, and Codes)
- Actually test stuff before you deploy it (I’ll happily volunteer to be a guinea pig for you)