If I remember correctly, in a post about the plan to retire Scoutnet/PAS BSA was hoping that PAS would be tired by the end of this year (2021). This affects when Merit Badge Counselors’ reports.
I assume Merit Badge Counselor data is still being entered in Scoutnet/PAS, moved to Scoutnet/AKELA, then to Scoutbook. Advancement data input appears to be going in the opposite direction.
As a side note, I am seeing 2012 and 2017 posts on the internet where “ScoutNET” (note the capitulation) is used as the name of the Scouts BSA advancement database.
BSA’s plan for retiring the Peoplesoft software/database based applications in Scoutnet/PAS which include moving membership and merit badge counselor information (I assume to Scoutnet/AKELA) has been published online. There are other applications and data that need to be moved, for example:
I believe Peoplesoft was founded in 1987 and overtaken by Oracle. I have not been able to find what what “PAS” stands for.
Related forum discussion and blog articles: