I have been our Troops Merit Badge Counselor for almost a year and am trying to recruit new Merit Badge Counselors, but I cannot even find most of the ones we currently have in Scoutbook. Our Council has uploaded their list, Is there a way to search for Counselors by name and get their list of badges or can we add that function?
You need to talk to your Troop’s Scoutmaster. The MBC list in Scoutbook is access-controlled to (I think) Key 3 and SB admins.
The MBC list in Scoutbook is searchable by any leader. The list is sorted by distance from the specified zip code (defaults to charter org’s) zip code.
There is no such thing as a Troop MBC. All MBCs are registered with the district or council. An MBC can see his/her MBs on their own My Position page.
Thank you. What I meant though by Troop MBCs, are the adults that are registered with our Unit vs. searching the entire Council. It would be nice to be able to search by their name vs. the surrounding area. We have 4 showing up in Scoutbook and 9 not showing up when we search for their specific badges to be sure our Scouts can linked and also see what what badges we may need to search outside of the unit for.
Hi, @ElizabethRoether,
Our unit has handled this by asking everyone in our unit who is registered as an MBC to contact our committee, which has a member responsible for maintaining an in-unit MBC list. It’s verified against the council list quarterly to ensure we’re up-to-date, and we also keep track of when the YPT expires, so we can (helpfully) remind these troop affiliated folks (whether leaders, parents, or just local community members who are friends of the troop) that they will need to renew YPT soon.
It’s easier than having to look it up in Scoutbook or on the council’s posted list, and we distribute updated lists to the direct-contact leaders when needed so that they have them on hand (and don’t need to have web access to get the list).
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