Merit badge marked 'completed' by scout incorrectly results in merit badge on 'needs purchasing report'

I have read the previous post of a scout being able to mark a merit badge complete in scoutbook which should notify the merit badge counselor that it needs review and approval.

The problem with this is that the scout marking the merit badge ‘completed’ results in the merit badge being listed on the ‘needs purchasing report’ and subsequently the purchase and awarding of the merit badge which is a problem and incorrect. The scout had not yet truly 'earned the merit badge as it had not been approved by the merit badge counselor.

The second problem is that this merit badge should also not show on the scout’s list of ‘earned’ merit badges on the scout’s main page under ‘advancements’.

My belief is that while the scout should be allowed to mark each individual task as ‘completed’, the completion of the ‘entire’ merit badge should ONLY be marked ‘completed’ by the merit badge counselor.

Can this adjustment be made?

Can you post the BSA ID (no names please!) of the scout and the merit badge? I can’t replicate this behavior, and I’m not used to seeing it appear on the Needs Purchasing list until a unit scouter marks it Leader Approved.

Is this Scoutbook or IA? post BSA# of scout (no names) and the MB in question

@DeborahDelano If a Scout or someone else with the necessary permissions marks a merit badge as completed, then the merit badge should show up on the unit’s Needs Approval Report.

If this is not the case, please post the Scout’s BSA member ID number and the name of the merit badge, and we can take a look.


I am using scoutbook. bsa # 133269886 and it’s the communication merit badge.

@DeborahDelano ok - I can setup a quick Screenshare to take a look

Mr. Donovan, unfortunately, our scoutmaster contacted the merit badge counselor who marked the merit badge complete.

Well that is the MBCs job? It does not go to needs purchasing - it goes to needs Approval in that case.


Mr. Donovan, I ran the ‘needs purchasing report’ on april 5 where the merit badge for the scout in question did show up. The merit badge in question did not get approved by the merit badge counselor until yesterday and also approved yesterday. I believe this to be an issue.

A Scoutbook Unit Admin, Key 3, or Key 3 Delegate can run the Audit Log Report from the unit reports menu in Scoutbook and try to trace the approvals to see what happened.

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Audit log is the answer I think - I can jump on your unit and see if you want - but I have tested this extensively and it is operating correctly

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