Can the messaging function eMail/Text include the unit description ie Troop/pack and number? I have 3 units with parents in each and when I send email messages from Scoutbook they do not know which unit they are for.
So much this. I get notifications from two different Troops (not to mention patrols), and it’s impossible to know which is which from the email. An auto-inserted “signature line” with info on whatever unit/subunit the Calendar was on would fix this.
While you’re at it, add a hyperlink to the original Calendar item.
If you request RSVPs, it generates a link in the reminder emails. Not sure you want to request RSVPs just to get that, though.
If you add it to your calendar (e.g. by subscribing to the .ics feed), the calendar events have an embedded link of the form:
For more information please visit: HTTP:// www. scoutbook .com/mobile/dashboard/calendar/event.asp?EventID=#######
at least for me under Google calendar and Outlook.
Fine, but I still think this should be in all notification emails.
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