Misspelled names in Scoutbook

Hello I have two scouts with misspelled names in Scoutbook. One is a newly registered scout (just received his application) and his first name is spelled incorrectly. The second scout has been around for a few years but after last year’s recharter his name showed up spelled incorrectly in Scoutbook. As the troop administrator I have tried to change it unsuccessfully and the older scout’s parent also tried unsuccessfully. Who should I reach out to for help?

Reach out to council - check my.scouting.org roster - to see if spelled wrong there as well - council can fix it

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Ok thanks, I will do that!

@DonovanMcNeil Is it possible to change the spelling of Parents’ names that were entered incorrectly? As parents they are not included in the charter, so presumably the Council would not be able to change them and it seems that the parents are not able to change the error either. We have problems coming up when Scoutbook accounts are created for the parents initially and then then they volunteer as leaders, but we cannot link up with their existing account due to the spelling error. Either the parent has to live with the error (which causes other problems) or we have to create another member ID and account for the parent (which also causes challenges for the parents).


If in the Profile of the Parent there is a BSA # - then council can usually fix it - they do not have to be on charter

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