Motorboating Merit Badge

I wanted to see if anyone else has had an issue with checking off requirements for the Motorboating Merit Badge for a Scout. I’ve checked off and entered the dates for all the requirements approved by the Merit Badge Counselor, but Scoutbook is only showing 83% complete. I don’t see any requirement not complete, and checked off, either in Scoutbook or the BSA listed requirements for the Merit Badge. I have a feeling this is a glitch, but wanted to see if others had the same experience before just overriding it by manually entering a completed date.

Also, is there a place other then here on the forum to let someone from Scoutbook know so that it can be fixed?

Nope. This is the spot to report Scoutbook bugs. There used to be a direct bug reporting system, but that was discontinued (for volunteer access) when the national organization underwent significant personnel reductions. Certain things may need to go through your council’s professional staff in order to get addressed, because they still have a channel to BSA technical support for certain things.

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I see the bug and will report it - @KristinAdams if done just force complete the merit badge bu clicking the % box at top

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Thanks @DonovanMcNeil. And thanks for the info @CharleyHamilton. I’ve been told that our Council does not have access to Scoutbook when I’ve asked for their help in the past, but maybe it is time to ask again for future reference.

Councils cannot do much for individual users in SB - but they can report issues to national through their channels


@KristinAdams this should be fixed now - #4 was not auto completing

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@DonovanMcNeil Awesome! Thanks so much!

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