My Scoutbook log off

How do I log off/out of my Scoutbook?
I looked throughout menus w/o success.
Also is this the correct way to ask question? I stumbled into this after much searching.

In Scoutbook:

Click on the 3 vertical lines in the upper right left corner.
Then click on “Logout”.

Log out of Scoutbook

Be aware, logging out of Scoutbook also logs you out of IA, and the forums. If you let Scoutbook time out, the forums will remain logged in.

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When I log into the red “Scouting” app, it then takes me to my
At this point I don’t see a logout, see screen shot.
Ultimately I’m trying to get to myscoutbook where I can see my scout.
Please confirm


I believe the logout is on the right side under the down arrow.

To get to Scoutbook, use a web browser and go to

I don’t know why the red Scouting app is taking you to Maybe someone else has an idea.

Dunno. My “Scouting” app is working normally under Android. I can’t even find an obvious spot to get to my.scouting from the app.

Are you sure you have the app and not a link to my.scouting saved on your home screen? The behavior sounds like the latter.

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