Need help removing a parent connection

I had several new parents reporting issues logging in to scoutbook for the first time so I had the grand idea of creating a new connection to my own scout and walking them through the process, but now that I’ve accepted the invitation to connect, I cannot delete it. User BSA number is 13985782. Test L(ast name) is the name. Can provide more info if needed. I see no way to delete this on my end even though I have full admin privileges. Thanks.

You either need to log in as the test “parent” or contact your Council to delete the “parent” connection. They can delete it via their VST tool.

Test parent needs to go to Scout’s Connections, click on Test parent’s name, then:

Uncheck the box next to “Parent Guardian”
Check the box next to “Other Family Member”
Click Update
Then you should be able to remove the connection.


Thank you, Jennifer!

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