Adult parent connected with wrong scout, how to remove parent connection?

Hi, so I have a parent that connected incorrectly with a scout. As Admin, how to I change that?

You do not - Council can remove it for you using the VST Tool @MonicaRodriguez_Vill - or the wrong parent can

Excellent, thank you very much. I’ll talk to the parent. Would you also know how the parent can remove herself?

they log in and go to Scout > click connections > click the false parents name > they UNCHECK the parent checkbox

Go to Scoutbook → My Dashboard → Administration → My Account → My Connections → Scout’s name

Then remove the connection.

Again, thank you very much. You have afforded me with peace for the night. I was not going to sleep over this. I have talked to the parent, and she will follow the instructions. Thank you and have a great night sir.

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You will want to check the connection level after they correct the connection type to set it where the unit wants it - rather than full control.

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