I am the Advancement Chair, Scoutbook Admin, and Key3 Delegate for a troop, and just recently accepted these same 3 positions for an associated pack. Scoutbook shows my positions recorded in Scoutbook for both the troop and the pack, and my permissions are set as “full control” for all scouts in both the troop and the pack. However, I am only able to generate a “needs purchasing” report for the troop, not the pack. When I go the the pack’s reports menu and select “needs purchasing”, it defaults to the troop’s “needs purchasing” page, with no way to select another unit. What am I missing here?..
@GwendyDarling - are those roles assigned in my.scouting.org for the pack?
Key3 delegate was assigned in my.scouting several days ago. There is no Scoutbook admin role available in my.scouting - that can only be set on the Scoutbook side. Advancment chair was set in Scoutbook only, not in my.scouting. I JUST added myself to this role in my.scouting, but it has not changed this issue. I will check again in 24 hrs, though, just in case the two systems need to sync.
@GwendyDarling - i know full well that the unit admin role is in scoutbook only. I have been a user for over 10 years. It could be that there is also nothing to be purchased for the pack. There is nothing in needs approval for the pack?
This is indeed all it was! I temporarily approved an adventure and confirmed that the report worked perfectly. I never suspected this to be the issue because I assumed that if the report was empty, it would just show as empty, not default me to another unit. Thanks for your help!
@GwendyDarling - that is good to hear. If there is nothing to be purchased then it has nothing to report
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