Notes on rank requirements not working

When I click on a note that I have added in a rank requirement to view it, it takes me back to My Dashboard. This is a new “malfunction” and it has happened with every scout where I have added notes in rank requirements.

Photos added in MB requirements are working properly, as are notes for a MB that apply to the entire merit badge and show at the bottom of the screen for a MB.

Starrla Craig

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will look into this - but if you open the requirement itself you can see notes

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I have had the same issue for both rank advancement and merit badge requirements that a Scout (or parent) has marked as completed. When I try to look at the note that is attached, it kicks me all the way back to the Dashboard.


If you click on the checkbox next to the requirement number, then you should be able to view the note. If you click on the note icon, then you will get kicked back to the dashboard - that is the bug.

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Thanks…typing on the checkbox does work. Thank you for the work around.


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