Bug Fixes
- Calendar
- An issue that caused a leader who is also a parent to be counted as 2 adult leaders when creating a calendar event has been corrected. For the purpose of ensuring there are 2 adults invited to every event that has youth invited, each adult invited will be counted 1 time regardless of role.
- An issue that prevented new events from being added to the Scoutbook calendar when the Den Leader Experience events are hidden has been fixed.
- Eagle Rank
- An issue that caused Eagle Rank to show 100% complete even though not all requirements have been marked complete has been fixed. Percent Complete for Eagle Rank will now show the correct value.
- Planned Advancement
- All Cub Scout Adventures had incorrect requirements listed under the calendar Planned Advancement feature. The requirements have been updated and now match the most current version of the adventures.
- Reports
- Access to the Cub Scouts and Scouts BSA Recognition Reports has been corrected. These reports are now available to anyone in the unit with View Advancement, Edit Advancement or Full Control connections to all Scouts in the unit.
- Report Builder was showing incorrect percent complete values for Sea Scouts. These values will now match what is shown in the Scoutbook User Interface.
New Features
- None