October 14, 2020 Scoutbook Updates

Bug Fixes

  • Eagle Palms
    • An issue that caused the Leader Approved check box from appearing on Eagle Palms has been fixed.
  • Eagle Rank
    • An issue that caused the Awarded check box from appearing on the Eagle Rank has been fixed.
  • Merit Badge Counselor File Upload - Council Admins only
    • An issue that caused names with apostrophes in the Merit Badge Counselor upload file to not be processed properly has been fixed.
  • Needs Purchasing Report
    • An issue that caused some users to be returned to the dashboard when running the Needs Purchasing report has been fixed.
  • Purchase Order
    • An issue that caused Scouts no longer in the unit to be removed from a closed Purchase Order has been fixed. Ending a Scout’s membership in the unit will have no effect on closed Purchase Orders. The issue that caused the previous release of this fix to duplicate awards has been fixed.

New Features

  • Scout BSA Ranks
    • The Beginner and Swimmer test requirements for the 2nd Class and 1st Class ranks respectively have been made optional to complete the rank. These requirements will not be used in the Percent Complete calculations. The SUAC recommends leaders add a note to the Scout’s next rank indicating the swim test still needs to be passed.
  • Scout Strong
    • Scoutbook now supports the Scout Strong - USA Triathlon Splash & Dash award.