A Reminder that starting July 1st all Scouts who have not completed all requirements for Eagle (but the Eagle Board of Review) will need to include Citizenship in Society on their application.
Now is the time for all troops to make sure they have identified a Citizenship in Society merit badge counselor they can recommend to their Scouts.
Remember, merit badge counselors must be registered as merit badge counselors and approved to sign off on the badge they wish to sign off on (other leadership positions don’t count.)
See the Guide to Advancement chapter 7. Please contact your council for instructions on how to get registered.
Don’t delay, to it today! Avoid the last minute panic when there is that blank date block in the Eagle application and your Scouts can’t apply until they get the badge completed.
Below are links to all pertinent information for the Citizenship in Society merit badge and resources for Counselors:
- Scout Requirements:
- Counselor Guidelines:
Within these guidelines, are links to both:
The DEI Volunteer Training: https://training.scouting.org/courses/SCO_1800
The Counselor Guide: https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/diversity_equity_and_inclusion/Citizenship-in-Society-Merit-Badge-Counselor-Guide-2021.pdf
Videos included in the Counselor Guide:
• Merit Badge Counselor video: https://vimeo.com/613861523
• General Information video: https://vimeo.com/610950264
The badge is already in Scoutbook and Internet Advancement. We expect the new Eagle Applications to be issued in June.