Oval Webelos Badge Pushed into Diamond

The new Webelos badge now shows up for my Cub who eared her Webelos. The bug is that it is also show pushed into the diamond. That spot should be for tigers. The Webelos daughter did not earn her tiger badge.

The tiger badge is shown properly for my daughter who did earn her tiger badge.

Webelos Badge Odd
Tiger In Spot


Thank you. The oval Webelos badge was not supposed to be pushed to production yet. We will let the developers know.

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Maybe this was a temporary state? The Oval remains, but now the Webelos diamond is back. It should eventually be removed.

Yes, the plan is to remove the diamond completely, but there are several pieces that need to go to production simultaneously.


Please right click on the oval, copy the URL for the graphic and paste it here so we can have the developers fix it.

Thanks Matt. I was able to extract the URL.

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