Parent control on advancements

Does anyone else have problems with a Scouts parent having control on advancement. I think a parent should be able to view and rank or merit badge sign off, but they should have no control to sign rank or merit badges themselves. This should be left to only Scoutmaster, Assistant Scoutmaster, and/or Merit Badge Counselors. Does this make sense and if so, can Scoutbook be fixed to allow this?

Actually, the Scoutmaster sets the standards on who can sign off. So in some troops, it may not include ASMs.

Scoutbook is setup the way national intended it to be. Parents and Scouts can make items complete. To become “official”, they must be marked “leader approved”. So, parents can’t, unless they are a unit leader, mark them officially complete.

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My problem is I have a parent that signs merit badge requirements instead of the counselor. I get the proper dates from counselor and usually have to fix dates. I honestly don’t think parents should be able to enter dates for badges or rank

@DerekAdams1 - I would ask then, in the absence of electronic recording, do you record dates in the scout’s handbook, or question the dates of the physical blue card, which you yourself did not witness being filled out ? Just wondering…

Additionally, the only date that realistically matters is final completion save for a merit badge that gets revised mid-stream and there are avenues of recourse for that.

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Well, that is not good! Did you ask them not to?

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