When new Scouts are entered in Scoutbook their parents are added as well. However, the parent has full control of their scouts advancement. Wouldn’t this cause parents to feel they have the right to sign off their Scouts rank advancement or MB requirments?
Parents and Scouts (if invited to connect to Scoutbook by their parent / guardian) can mark things as “Completed” in Scoutbook. This is similar to putting a checkmark in the left hand column in the Scout’s Handbook indicating that the Scout is ready to be tested. Unless a parent is also a leader in the unit, the parent cannot mark items as “Approved” in Scoutbook. After testing the Scout, a leader in the unit can mark the item(s) as “Approved” in Scoutbook or can remove the date if the Scout has not passed the requirement yet.
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@JamesTrantham - guardian at the gate perhaps
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