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My Troop/Crew scout has the same issue with the Paul Bunyan award not appearing on the Award list in the Troop tab for him and he has not earned it yet. It also does not show his Totin’ Chip even though he has earned it. This also happens with the other Troop/Crew multiples in our unit. (just those dual registered).
My Troop only scout has the Paul Bunyan award visible under awards and shows his Totin’ Chip with the awarded date.
It is not displayed in the text as an award you are able to select to enter or that it has been earned. If I use the quick entry award button the dual registered youth show up and I can enter the award that way. The totin’ chip image does shows up on the area that displays earned awards, but it is not listed either.
Just noticed it might be a display issue. It says Outdoor Ethics Award, but when you click that it shows the Paul Bunyan, but we were able to quick entry and leader approve the actual award last night.
I will send you a direct message > look at top right Avatar to find it > it will be a green envelope > it will be a private message channel with select members of the Scoutbook User Advisory Council (SUAC)
@AndrewPlatte ok - issue is seen and better understood - will get it turned in - watch change logs for fix if BSA IT wants to fix it - QE is the solution for this now