For those who use PayPal in Scoutbook. Please note that PayPal now reports all transactions over $600 to the IRS.
I believe it’s if your annual total of transactions is over $600 (as opposed to individual transactions over $600)
I think Jacob is correct. It is the annual total of transactions.
From PayPal news release:
The 1099-K change will take effect January 1, 2022 . PayPal and Venmo will be required to provide customers with a 1099-K form if they receive $600 or more in goods and services transactions during the 2022 tax year.
What does our troop do with the 1099-k form at the end of the year if we choose to use PayPal/Venmo?
If your charter org is non-profit, you probably need to provide it to the people completing the Charter Org’s IRS Form 990. If your charter org is not a non-profit, you probably need to provide to to the people doing the taxes for the charter org.
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