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Hoping that @Shoreranger or @DonovanMcNeil might have the answer to my problem as I believe it is the same as this closed 2022 post:
We have successfully registered with PayPal and Venmo as a 501c3 using our Chartered Organization’s status (as others have commented - not an easy process but worth going through given the overall payments we handle for the Troop).
Like @Shoeranger our problem now is that Scoutbook is adding the higher normal fees and overcharging parents.
Does anyone know if we can configure or otherwise change the PayPal settings in Scoutbook to use the correct fees?
@GeoffreyMaxwell I THOUGHT there was a toggle when setting up Paypal for Scoutbook - I do not use it as I do not want Paypal to take units money which I have seen happen more than once
@GeoffreyMaxwell - I would personally caution against paypal as our units were hit with business verification when we started collecting summer camp payments… We can not verify the business entity as we have no tax bills, credit cards, or utility bills.
Our unit has been approved by PayPal for the reduced transaction fee of 1.99% for tax-exempt entities (our Chartered Org). When users in Scoutbook make PayPal payments the standard fee of 3.49% is being charged, negating the whole point of a reduced fee. Please help!
We have successfully registered with PayPal and Venmo as a 501c3 using our Chartered Organization’s status (as others have commented - not an easy process but worth going through given the overall payments we handle for the Troop).
Like @Shoeranger our problem now is that Scoutbook is adding the higher normal fees and overcharging parents.
Does anyone know if we can configure or otherwise change the PayPal settings in Scoutbook to use the correct fees?