Personal Management 2(b)

The pre-2019 requirements for Personal Management include,

  1. […] (b) Compare expected income with expected expenses. (1) If expenses exceed income, determine steps to balance your budget. (2) If income exceeds expenses, state how you would use the excess money (new goal, savings).

The 2019 requirements include a piece with almost exactly the same wording,

  1. […] (b) Compare expected income with expected expenses. (1) If expenses exceed budget income, determine steps to balance your budget. (2) If income exceeds budget expenses, state how you would use the excess money (new goal, savings).

Now taking it in context, it appears the pre-2019 sub-requirement is supposed to be done after the 13 weeks of tracking, while the 2019 one is supposed to be done as part of the budgeting process (and the new sub-requirement (d) is a second comparison of budget with actual income/expenses).

But the bug I’d like to report in ScoutBook (for both versions of the requirements) is that 2(b)(1) and 2(b)(2) are mutually exclusive. If expenses exceed income, then income cannot exceed expenses; and vice versa. However, ScoutBook requires both to be checked.

@DavidLambert - my suggestion is to look at the requirements at in the merit badge section. Scoutbook is reflecting the requirements.

Right, the Scoutbook wording (for both versions of the requirements) exactly matches the requirements. But 2(b) (under either version) should be satisfied if either one of 2(b)(1) or 2(b)(2) is satisfied. They are mutually exclusive. As currently implemented, to make 2(b) be considered complete, I have to mark them both, which can’t be true. My workaround is to enter “N/A” as a comment for the one that doesn’t apply, but a Scout or leader shouldn’t have to do that.

@DavidLambert - you know I give up… it is two scenarios one a deficit and the other a surplus and there is no statement of do one or the other. I really cant help you.

This it is so confusing - it is a simple thought exercise - “Compare expected income with expected expenses” - I expect to make $300 in that time frame, but I expect to spend $400 - OH- I need to cut back in my PLANNED budget - were can I cut back.

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