Photography merit badge - missing

My scout was awarded the photograhy merit badge at camp
Went to update scoutbook and it’s not an option
Any ideas?


What do you mean it is not an option? Are you trying to start a new MB and Photography is not in the list? This means it is already started and you will find it on his advancement page.

If you are saying it is not on his advancement page, then you need to click Start Merit Badge and start it.

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Can you explain in more detail what steps you’re taking to get there? I see Photography in the list of MB available to add for a couple of scouts in my unit that I checked.

Are you sure that it hasn’t already been “added” and just needs updating?

@KellyOBoyle It should be on the Scout’s Advancement page in Scoutbook.

It looks like it was marked as Completed on 8/12/2022, so if you have the Scout’s merit badges sorted by Date, it should be near the bottom of the Scout’s merit badges.


Thank you all!
I found it where you indicated on his page - I think after changing equipment the page hadn’t loaded all the way so it didn’t appear in either location
It seems we are all set now
Thank you all for the help


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