Report Builder results work worse than before

  1. The auto break of the columns spoils reports. Everything that falls off the page-width is stuck on the bottom of the next table, and it doesn’t get the itemized rows, just the first column entry. It makes using a wide report VERY useless by not showing all the information that should be contained in the report.
  2. Viewing the report in macOS Safari fails (I had to install Chrome to see the report in a non-bungled state). All the scouts are overlaid in the same column and the entire screen is long vertical lines.
  3. All in all, it’s worse (for everything I use for) than it was before. Half of what I use Scoutbook for (reporting on activities, requirements, and advancement) is broken now, and harder (or impossible) to see and use.

Voila les screenshots:


There are changes coming to Report Builder including the ability to specify infinite width in the browser so the output will be similar to the old Report Builder.

I have tested the changes in Safari and they render properly. I did see the issue with the current Report Builder so hopefully this is fixed.

I do recommend using either Firefox or Chrome for Scoutbook so you can take advantage of the volunteer written and supported Feature Assistant Extension for Scoutbook for Chrome and Firefox. The extension adds many useful features to Scoutbook that makes it much easier to use. See Feature Assistant - What is it? for details.

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