Scout patrols and rank reports

We dont have our scouts in patrols yet.
If we do this, will the patrol leaders be able to run a report for the kids in their patrol to see what rank advancements they need to work on?


Youth cannot see advancement of other youth. The report would need to be run by an adult leader and provided to the Patrol Leader.

how would you recommend for scouts patrol leaders to prepare for meetings? to help determine what their group needs as a collective group?

My PLs talk to the Scouts in their patrols.

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@TrishaWisniewski - Troop Meeting Agenda - Troop Leader Resources

We’ve tried having the PLs reach out to unit scouters for advancement/log data on demand, having it provided routinely at PLC, and designating ASMs by patrol to assist with providing report data to PLs. All approaches have their pluses and minuses.

I’d suggest asking the SPL and PLs how they want to do it, given the system limitations.

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