When accessing “Pack Reports” from the Pack page, there is a time out error every time. YPT status shows up but no other reports at all.
@RobertAcker - i see the same thing a yellow box time out error
Odd. I am an admin for two units. I can get to the Pack reports for the Cub pack but I get the “timeout” yellow box of the BSA Troop.
I’m getting the same error message when I try to access Troop Reports.
It might be a server error.
Could anyone with this issue please report the server name?
Pack reports seem to be working on server: AWSWEBSCTBK5A
Troop reports NOT working on server: AWSWEBSCTBK5A
Troop reports appear to be working on AWSWEBSCTBK4A (for comparison, if that helps).
I am getting the same yellow rectangle Time out error on Pack reports.
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