We had AOLs cross over from our Pack to two different Troops, a Boys troop, and a Girls troop. We need to transfer money that they had in their scout accounts from the Pack to the Troops. However, we tracked their scout account balances using the Payment Log function in Scoutbook. When they got transferred, their balances and Payment Logs disappeared, and did not carry over to their Troop Roster. Is there a way to recover these previous balances? Should they have transferred?
They are there. Use the Search Payment Logs function, and you can select previous members
Like Gary said, they are still there, just need to set it to show previous members.
What we do is we then enter a transaction and call it “Zeroing Transaction” to set the Scout in the pack to zero. The one unit writes a check to the other and “deposits” it into the new unit’s Scout’s account.
Thank you, they are in there!
That’s what we will do also, thanks!
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