Sending email to Scoutbook (group)

I’m looking for a way to better communicate to all leaders when replying to a parent email. It’s sorta messy now, with lots of people being CCed, on messages to and from parents. Here’s are current and proposed setup…


Is the above possible? Is there another/better way to do something like this? I was hoping to keep everything in-house (in Scoutbook) but can look at something like Gmail distribution lists or Mailman.

Thanks in advance!

Troop 373 | Sacred Heart Parish
Shadyside, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Something like this has been proposed to the developers before. We don’t know when or if they will implement it.

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Thanks, Jacob; that’s good (and bad) to know. I took a look at the New Scoutbook Feature Requests section of the Forum, and will do some poking around in there.



You can create group lists in your Google contacts list if you are using as your provider.

It’s not perfect, since each person has to set it up on every device they use, but the Feature Assistant Extension allows you to define persistent groups of mail recipients from within Scoutbook. I’m not sure where it’s stored, but I’m guessing that it might be part of a config file that could be distributed to the relevant leaders once created. Is that possible, @GaryFeutz?

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Scoutbook does not have such a feature. There is an item in the backlog to allow units to create custom mail lists in Scoutbook but at this time we do not know if or when the BSA will schedule it for implementation.

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@CharleyHamilton yes, it is possible. In concept, the groups could be exported/imported like the Pemissions by Position file. I will add this to the list of things to do.

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@CharleyHamilton I went to implement and LOL I already did. I can’t even remember my own features anymore!
