Welcome! This forum has a treasure trove of great info – Scouters helping Scouters! Just a heads up, though - all content, information, and opinions shared on this forum are those of the author, not the BSA.
It is more on the third parties to use the correct format - the current import for Blackpug is with the Feature Assistant Extension for Firefox or Chrome - those 3 major players were given the info - we have heard Tentaroo left out part of the info - so if they marked a MB complete they left it off their CSV - but with the extension the data can be imported
@MichaelSandell - beyond that it is the council that determines the vendor they use for event management. There is certainly nothing that I recall from DoubleKnot that is an export that can be used by Scoutbook or any other tracker.
Yes, individual units can utilize the extension to import the merit badge file from Tentaroo
note they do not mark the entire badge as completed, so you may have to go back and do that. But it should upload the completed requirements.
The council may be able to upload for all units at the session, like they can with Black Pug, as well, have them reach out to me if they wish to look into that.
Tentaroo has not created the Council level import yet- only unit level with the extension. Last time I heard from them, it isn’t slated to occur until after the summer.
Our Troop was able to import (at unit level) our summer camp merit badges directly into Scoutbook from the Tentaroo CSV export for Scoutbook. It worked perfectly with no errors. We had 80+ merit badges import as completed and the partials came in as well. Saved a ton of time on data entry after summer camp this year!
You can also import directly into https://advancements.scouting.org/. There is an import button right above the roster to import files. I’m sure this would work as well - although we did not use this method this time.
**Make sure the person logged in and doing the import is someone who has permission to record advancements in Scoutbook! (Also - note we entered our Scouts BSA IDs in Tentaroo. I know some units that don’t do this when they register for camp and the Scouts BSA ID was required for our import.
Thank you to whoever provided us the Tentaroo .csv file import feature in Scoutbook. With over 200 merit badges earned at summer camp, this was a mega timesaver. It allows our Troop to provide timely recognition to the Scouts for what they achieved at summer camp! Printing merit badge blue cards from Scoutbook for partially completed merit badges was also a great time saver.