Trained Merit Badge Counselors

In the list of merit badge counselors, I would love to see the Trained patch for those trained as such.

This is in the backlog. We do not know when the BSA will schedule it for development work.

Excellent. This would help me to choose counselors that maybe (I know this is not the only factor) know how to be a little better of a counselor. I keep wanting to say with the last training date, but believe this is one of the training that does not expire and I am not sure what the date will really tell me.

My MBC training tracking comments

The basic leader (position-specific) “trained” would not be a very good indicator.

  • I understand Scoutbook will block display of MBCs if joining training (Y01 - Youth Protection Training) is not current.
  • There are many MBCs whose basic leader training was not recorded.
  • The national goal is to have all MBCs basic leader “trained” – I encourage all MBCs to complete the latest online training.

There is supplemental training and certification required for some MBCs. I do not believe the non-BSA certifications are tracked in the BSA training database. I believe this is suppose to be checked annually by the volunteer District MBC Coordinator (aka Merit Badge Dean?) when the annual MBC information form is received. – I suspect tracking this training would require a system as complex and expensive as Scoutbook.

I think what they were suggesting was the MBC position training specifically and not the basic leader training.

According to my.scouting, it shows me that I am trained as a MBC because I have completed the following:

  • D76 : Merit Badge Counselor Orientation Classroom
  • SCO_430 : Advancement for Scouts BSA
  • SCO_431 : Aims and Methods of Scouts BSA
  • SCO_433 : Ideals and Beliefs of Scouts BSA
  • SCO_434 : Merit Badge Counselor Sign Up for Scouts BSA
  • SCO_435 : Introduction to Merit Badges for Scouts BSA
  • SCO_448 : What is a Merit Badge Counselor for Scouts BSA
  • Y01 : Youth Protection Training Certification - this is already shown in Scoutbook

It is great to have the goal of all MBC being trained, which I agree. I have done the training multiple times and the last time was to make sure it was recorded, but also encourage MBCs to complete the latest and do it periodically.

It would be nice if the supplemental training were shown there too, but I know that it is not tracked in the database and definitely not talking about that. For example, I am a SCUBA instructor and a Scuba Diving MBC, but the database does not know what is required to keep the SCUBA instructor credentials up-to-date.

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