Counselor Merit Badge list does not match my.scouting list

Member ID: 113164470 on the my.scouting list (CouncilMeritBadgeCounselorListing.csv) is only approved for 12 merit badges, if you call this person up in Scoutbook there are 21 merit badges listed for them? Which one is correct?


Akela shows 9 of the MBs that are showing in Scoutbook as being expired for this MBC. It does not appear as if Denver Area Council ever uploaded an MBC list so I will need to get with the developers to determine why this MBC has MBs listed in Scoutbook that are not current.

Thanks, I’m sure he’s not the only one.


We understand what has happened. When Member Update started bringing in MBCs, it was decided to not remove any MBs that were in the MBCs record from Scoutbook. This was to avoid impacting Scouts that may be currently working with one of these individuals.

A plan is being devised to remove the extra MBs now that Councils have had time to get their MBC lists either into ScoutNET or Scoutbook via file upload.

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Thanks for the update.

MBs are scheduled to be cleaned up on July 12.

Scoutbook continues to show me as not approved as a MBC, even though I was approved by council back in April (which is showing up in My Training), but the council listing does not list any merit badges for me. My self and all of our adult leaders went to the council website and renewed our MBC status for this year, but none of that is showing up in Scoutbook for any of us. It makes zero sense to take people out of Scoutbook on July 12, when councils and National clearly do not have correct and updated information and seem to be completely unable to competently manage this process. This significantly impacts rank advancement for our scouts. Our district and our council have not offered MBC training since March 2020 and I am not aware of any plans to do so in the near future. Please delay this process until council and national staff can get this figured out and prevent creating another major headache for unit leaders. If not, then at least get information effectively communicated to all adult leaders as to how they can get properly certified to be merit badge counselors and to get the certification into Scoutbook. You all are making this entirely too difficult to serve as adult leaders.


Your council either needs to load your Merit Badges into your profile in ScoutNET (which will push to Scoutbook) or they need to upload a MB list to Scoutbook. Currently there are no Merit Badges associated with you in either Scoutbook or ScoutNET.

The July 12 change will not remove MBCs from Scoutbook. It will remove Merit Badges for which the MBC is not authorized by the Council to counsel. This is indicated by either loading the MB into the MBC’s record in ScoutNET or by uploading an MB list to Scoutbook.

Councils have had many months to get this data into Scoutbook and have known this change was coming. At this point, all Councils should be using one of the above processes to load MB assignments into Scoutbook and have several more weeks to get this work completed.

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Ed. It is great to say that Councils “have had many months to get this data into Scoutbook”; but very different to convince the person that should be doing the job they can ignore his/her boss’ mandate that they drop everything and head off to staff a camp position. We’ve been trying to get this done, but i can’t fault any of the professionals who say there’s no time available to help. The last time we were able to do an upload was last year May, just before the volunteer who had access authority, resigned for a new out of state job.

On top of that, our Council district positions re-register as of July 1. That includes MBCs. So to avoid things being dropped through the cracks, many functions, such as new MBC registrations, are held until after July 1. I understand your need to set deadlines, and we’ll try to make everything work.

I didn’t set the deadline. If your council professionals have an issue with the deadline, the Scout Exec has channels to provide feedback to BSA IT.

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Ed, Sorry, i didn’t intend to impugn you personnaly. I’m just venting, mainly about our local situation. As I said, as a volunteer, we always find a way to make things work; (or at least to fix them afterward). LOL

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