Training seems to be down

All training on my scoutbook seems to be down… what can I do to fix this?

it says the following

{“status”:500,“name”:“InternalServerError”,“message”:“The server could not process the request, please try again later.”}

@SeanHubbs1 - training is actually at not scoutbook. I just logged in and training appears up for me.

im doing it on

If it still looks down for you, I would suggest:

  1. Clearing cache/forcing a reload of the page to see if there’s an issue with some cached version of one or more pages causing conflicts.
  2. Running in a private browsing/incognito window to rule out plugins interfering
  3. Trying a different browser. The training interface is notoriously browser-sensitive.
  4. Trying a desktop/laptop rather than a mobile device (if applicable). Folks frequently report issues running on mobile platforms, although others have no problems, so it’s unclear why/how often this is actually an issue.

Actually, at what point does it throw the error? That’s probably key for diagnosis. There may not be much the folks here can do to help, since the people who maintain the training systems generally only take bug/support tickets from the council professional staff. However, the more detailed the information you have to pass along for the support ticket, the better the chance will be of the right issue being identified.


Training is not at it is at Please try again.

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