Updating Invitee list to calendar events

I have our calendar inputed for the next year, but with recruiting coming up I don’t know how to update who is invited to the events without going into every date individually. I just added a Den Chief to our roster and she has not been automatically added to any dates even when the event type is “pack meeting”.

Thank you to all the SUAC members who work hard to help everyone out on this forum.


You can use the Feature Assistant Extension for Chrome and Firefox to update the invitee list of multiple calendar events simultaneously. Search the Chrome or Firefox extension stores for Scoutbook.

I have it for Scoutbook, but I cant seem to access that anymore. If I click on calendar it forwards me to Scoutbook+.

From My Dashboard click on Events then click Add New Invitees to Events


How long ago did you add the den chief? There is an overnight process that adds new members to events, but I’ve not seen it work successfully for den chiefs.

@jacobfetzer she was added about a week ago.

@edavignon I’ve attempted that about 5 times now with some success. I have meetings that our Den Chief is added and some that are not. I’m also getting this error. I’m using chrome and it is updated.

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