Weekly Newsletter Template

TroopMaster has the ability to create a weekly Newsletter template that can be edited from week to week and then sent out. It can be formatted with an online editor to add Bold, Italic, bullet points, etc. It would be great if ScoutBook were able to offer this feature as we rely on it so heavily.

As a workaround,I have tried to create a template in Notepad using the BBCODES. However, when I copy my message into ScoutBook, the spaces are removed. It would be very time consuming to manually add the spaces to every line, every week. Eve a BBCODE for a space would be helpful.

I agree this would be nice. TroopWebHost includes the state of your A/B, and C medical forms in the newsletter as well as your balance.

Not having this is one of the barriers to adoption.

In fact, it would be great for Scoutbook’s IT management to do a survey of troops that don’t use it to understand other barriers to adoption.

And no, having a newsletter with this info doesn’t infringe on any one’s intellectual property. It is just a good idea, but not novel or tradedress.

Our Troop produces a weekly Newsletter using a troop MS Publisher template. Newsletter is saved as a PDF and then emailed to Scouts, parents, leaders via Scoutbook message attachment. It works fine and is viewable on all platforms.

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I think that is how we are going to work around it as well. TroopMaster was much better in this regard, but we will make it work.

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