Where do I find my closed purchase orders in Scoutbook?

I just created my purchase order and advancement report and emailed to the Scout shop. I then closed the purchase order. Now I want to print out my cards so I don’t have to hand write all of them. I’m guessing I should have done this before closing the purchase order because I can’t find it anywhere now. Is there a way to find the closed orders so I can print? Am I looking in the wrong spot? I’ve tried searching the forums but can only find how to print from the purchase order, and I can’t find my order anymore.


Go to scoutbook.scouting.org
Go to your unit page (Pack or Troop)
Scroll down and select (Pack or Troop) Reports
Select “Needs Purchasing”
Scroll to the bottom and select “View Closed Purchase Orders”
Select the PO you are looking for
Scroll all the way to the bottom to print cards

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Thank you! I guess I never trying scrolling down on that page. It looked complete.

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